Sacred Union: Elements of a Temple Sealing Invitation

For many couples, a temple sealing invitation is the pinnacle of their wedding ceremony, symbolizing not only their love and commitment to each other but also their faith and devotion to their religious beliefs. As such, the invitation to a temple sealing holds a special significance, inviting loved ones to witness and celebrate this sacred union. Crafting the perfect temple sealing invitation involves thoughtful consideration of both the spiritual and practical aspects of the ceremony.

Understanding Temple Sealings

In the context of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a temple sealing is a sacred ordinance that binds a couple together for eternity. It is performed in one of the church’s temples by priesthood authority and is believed to unite couples not only for this life but also for the eternities to come. As such, temple sealings are reserved for members of the LDS Church who are living according to its teachings and who have obtained a recommendation from their local church leaders.

Importance of the Invitation

The invitation to a temple sealing is more than just a piece of paper; it is a reflection of the couple’s faith, love, and commitment to each other and to their religious beliefs. It serves as a formal announcement of the ceremony and invites loved ones to share in this sacred occasion. As such, the wording and design of the invitation should reflect the significance of the event and convey the couple’s joy and anticipation.

Elements of a Temple Sealing Invitation

When crafting a temple sealing invitation, there are several key elements to consider:

  1. Wording: The wording of the invitation should be clear and concise, indicating the date, time, and location of the sealing ceremony. It should also include any instructions or information that guests may need, such as attire or parking details.
  2. Design: The design of the invitation should be elegant and understated, reflecting the sacred nature of the occasion. Traditional colors such as white and gold are often used, along with religious symbols such as the temple or the eternal knot.
  3. Personalization: While temple sealing invitations tend to follow a more formal format, there is still room for personalization. Couples may choose to include a favorite scripture or quote that holds special meaning to them, or they may opt for a custom monogram or motif that reflects their unique style.
  4. RSVP Information: Although temple sealings are typically intimate affairs with a limited guest list, it is still important to include RSVP information on the invitation. This allows the couple to plan accordingly and ensures that guests are aware of any necessary arrangements.

Sending the Invitation

Temple sealing invitations should be sent out well in advance of the ceremony, typically six to eight weeks beforehand. This allows guests to make any necessary travel arrangements and ensures that they have ample time to obtain any required temple recommendation. In addition to mailing physical invitations, couples may also choose to send electronic invitations or create a wedding website where guests can find additional information about the ceremony and reception.

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